Astro Solaris

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Our Essence

The essence of all things is a supreme energy that permeates every form and aspect of the Universe. It is an impersonal, immaterial, unborn and undying force - Brahman ( ब्रह्मन् ).

There are individual souls that have no beginning and are ceaseless, part of the Universal Soul - Atman (आत्मा ).

Atman and Brahman are one and indivisible, although Atman, living in the world of senses, as nature (प्रक्रृती; prakṛti), appears to exist separately from Brahman. This apparent "separation" was named "Maya" by the ancients - an illusion, a deception, upon which our 3D world rests, which is necessary, in order for the the soul to pass through lessons and evolution.

Man, having an individual consciousness - Atma, is a soul that is attached to the body and on the path of consciousness falls into oblivion, illusion and identification with nature (प्रक्रृती; prakṛti) and environment. Atma, though a part of a larger whole, as a wave is an inseparable part of the ocean, is present in incarnation only as an individual consciousness where all its presence is.

The planets, embodied Deities, have Paramatma ( पर्मात्मन् ), i.e. the supreme soul, the Absolute Atman, the Highest Self; which is omnipresent and omnipotent.

Atma is a soul that can fit on the tip of a human fingernail, while Paramatma is the size of mountains and although they are indivisible, in this constellation it is incomprehensibly more powerful. Therefore, through actions that will result in certain outcomes, the Paramatma in the planets impeccably, through time and space, delivers karma to the individual consciousness (Atman). Taking everything into account, we can conclude that astrology, especially Vedic, is the key to understanding, changing and evolving human souls and fulfilling their purpose. Finally, many modern scholars worthy of examining, such as Jung, have stated that in the future (as it was in ancient times) astrology will be the key and indispensable principle in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, change and evolution of the entire human race.