Mahadasha - Planetary Ruling Period

In the world of Vedic Astrology, there are certain essential phenomenons that need to comprehended in a correct fashion. Translated from Sanskrit, "Maha" stands for big, while "Dasha" is a period, so Mahadasha is basically a colossal influence of a certain planet (graha) during a particular period of any individual's life. At every moment of our lives, a particular Mahadasha is operating, and, even if most of the humanity is not aware of these ultimately sophisticated and abstract forces, their influences are undeniable and definitive, which can be found in each moment of our presence on Earth.

Representing a crucial chapter in Vedic Astrology, withouth which not a single analysis cannot take place, Mahadasha is comprised of nine planets (grahas), each takes center stage for a specific period, including Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu (North Lunar Node), and Ketu (South Lunar Node). Each of these grahas are bringing their own energy and unique influence, whioh, in accordance with native's placements in the horoscope, bring great blessings, challenges, or mixed results during any of these ruling periods.

Mahadasha order is unchangeable with interchangeble planetary influences, yet, each individual is born in a different time, place and during different dasha operating upon arrival to this physical plane. This indicates that not every person will get to see the effects of each Mahadasha period throughout their lives, which is, hypothetically projected to a period of 120 years, however, those periods that are crucial for their soul and 'individual' consciousness development in this incarnation will most definitely play out. The actual order and duration of all Mahadashas:

  1. Ketu - 7 years
  2. Venus - 20 years
  3. Sun - 6 years
  4. Moon - 10 years
  5. Mars - 7 years
  6. Rahu - 18 years
  7. Jupiter - 16 years
  8. Saturn - 19 years
  9. Mercury - 17 years

When a certain planet or graha is operating during Mahadasha, it sets the tone for your experiences in the time of its reinging. The nature of these experiences during these periods, whether favorable or unfavorable, amazing blessings or great challenges, exponential growth or a epochal decline - it is all determined by the placements of planet in a horoscope of an individual, meaning, those experiences are meant to be manifested, and it is only a matter of specific form these energies will take. The overall result will be created by activating a certain major influence of one or more planets (grahas) when a certain Mahadasha starts.

Inside each of Mahadasha, there are smaller chapters called Antardasha and even smaller named Pratyantar Dasha, which are adding to this unique and extremely complex equation, resembling different chapters of big book. Naturally, each of the smaller periods is also rulled by different planets, in the identical order like Mahadasha, except duration time is incomparably shorter.

During each of these chapters, especially when the Mahadasha is giving unfavorable effects, many powerful remedies such as mantras and other rituals, correlated to divinities represrenting the planets, are recommended to perform, to reduce the destructive and harsh energy of the planets (grahas).

In order to even make an attempt to comprehend how the Mahadasha and all of its sub periods are creating your circumstances and shaping you on each layer of your being, and, which direction would be favorable for each individual in terms of getting the best possible results in each of these life-altering, long-lasting timeframes - a help of an experienced, knowledgeable and true, kind-hearted Vedic astrologer ia absolutely required. No other force residing in a human form can decipher some of the most enigmatic and most profound analyses, which hold the key to understanding human beings, celestial forces, deities, and the whole Universe and existence. This great understanding is one of the most difficult tasks to attain, but the reward for even deciding to step onto this path gives unmeasurable rewards. You will be blessed with a sharp and confident knowing, that everything is meant to be, for the purpose of Light.


U svetu vedske astrologije postoje izvesni suštinski fenomeni koje treba razumeti na ispravan način. U prevodu sa sanskrita, "Maha" znači veliki, dok je "Dasha" period, tako da je Mahadasha u osnovi kolosalan uticaj određene planete (graha) tokom određenog perioda života bilo kog pojedinca. U svakom trenutku naših života deluje određena Mahadaša, i, iako ogroman deo čovečanstva nije svestan ovih krajnje sofisticiranih i apstraktnih sila, njihovi uticaji su neosporni i definitivni, koji se mogu naći u svakom trenutku našeg prisustva na Zemlji.

Predstavljajući ključno poglavlje u vedskoj astrologiji, bez kojeg se ne može izvršiti nijedna analiza, Mahadaša predstavlja periode utiacija svake od devet planeta (graha) gde one zauzimaju centralno mesto za taj period, uključujući Sunce, Mesec, Mars, Merkur, Jupiter, Veneru, Saturn, Rahu (severni mesečev čvor) i Ketu (južni mesečev čvor). Svaka od ovih graha donosi sopstvenu energiju i jedinstven uticaj, koji, u skladu sa položajem u horoskopu individue, donose velike blagoslove, izazove ili mešovite rezultate tokom bilo kog od ovih perioda vladavine.

Mahadaša poredak je nepromenljiv sa naizmeničnim planetarnim uticajima, iako, svaki pojedinac je rođen u drugačijem vremenu, mestu i tokom različitih daša koje deluju po dolasku u ovu fizičku ravan. Ovo ukazuje da neće svaka osoba moći da doživi efekte svakog mahadaša perioda u svom životu, koji je hipotetički projektovan na period od 120 godina, međutim, oni periodi koji su ključni za razvoj duše i „individualne“ svesti u ovoj inkarnaciji će se sigurno odigrati. Redosled i trajanje svih Mahadasha izgleda ovako:

  1. Ketu - 7 godina
  2. Venera - 20 godina
  3. Sunce - 6 godina
  4. Mesec - 10 godina
  5. Mars - 7 godina
  6. Rahu - 18 godina
  7. Jupiter - 16 godina
  8. Saturn - 19 godina
  9. Merkur - 17 godina

Kada određena planeta ili graha deluje tokom Mahadaše, ona postavlja podlogu za iskustva koja će se odigrati za vreme njene vladavine. Priroda iskustava tokom ovih perioda, bilo povoljnih ili nepovoljnih, neverovatnih blagoslova ili velikih izazova, eksponencijalnog rasta ili epohalnih sunovrata - sve je određeno položajem planeta u horoskopu pojedinca, što znači da su ta iskustva namenjena njemu i biće ispoljene odgovarajuće okolnosti, i samo je pitanje specifičnog oblika koji će te energije poprimiti. Ukupan rezultat će biti stvoren aktiviranjem određenog velikog uticaja jedne ili više planeta (graha) kada određena Mahadasha započne.

Unutar svake od Mahadasha, postoje manja poglavlja koja se zovu Antardasha i još manja pod nazivom Pratyantar Dasha, koja se dodaju ovoj jedinstvenoj i izuzetno složenoj jednačini, koja liči na različita poglavlja velike knjige. Naravno, svakim manjim periodom takođe vladaju različite planete, identičnim redosledom poput onog kod Mahadaše, izuzev što je vreme trajanja neuporedivo kraće.

Tokom svakog od ovih poglavlja, posebno kada Mahadasha daje nepovoljne efekte, preporučuje se izvođenje mnogih moćnih remedijalnih mera kao što su mantre i drugi rituali, povezani sa božanstvima koje predstavljaju planete, kako bi se smanjila destruktivna i oštra energija uticaja planeta (graha).

Da bi se uopšte pokušalo shvatiti kako Mahadasha i svi njeni podperiodi stvaraju okolnosti i oblikuju nas na svakom nivou bića, i koji bi pravac bio povoljan za svakog pojedinca u smislu dobijanja najboljih mogućih rezultata u svakom od ovih dugotrajnih vremenskih okvira koji menjaju život - pomoć i vođstvo pravog, iskusnog, plemenitog vedskog astrologa je apsolutno neophodna. Nijedna druga sila koja počiva u ljudskom obliku ne može dešifrovati neke od najzagonetnijih i najdubljih sila tokom intepretacije ovih aspkeata, koje sadrže ključ za razumevanje ljudskih bića, nebeskih sila, božanstava i čitavog Univerzuma i postojanja. Ovo veliko razumevanje je jedan od najzahtevnijih dostignuća, ali nagrade, čak i za odluku da se uopšte krene ovim putem, su neizmerne. Bićete blagosloveni sigurnim znanjem da je sve baš kao što treba da bude, u svrhu Svetlosti.


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