Mars - Rahu Conjunction in Pisces 2024

Today on April 23, 2024, Mars Rahu conjunction in Pisces (Meena Rasi) will take place, forming Angaraka Yoga. In this conjunction Mars will be impacted directly by Rahu, destroying functional significations of Mars.

During the 39 days during which Mars will stay in Pisces (Until June 1st), and, besides this conjunction with Rahu, Mercury will stay (retrograde and direct) until 10 May and Venus until 24 April.

Having different planets in Pisces can cause havoc; it is essential to postpone any important planning, decisions, cooperations and events until the end of May, except for emergencies.

Various body sensations such as body heat, insomnia, pimples, boils, digestion issues are likely to occur.

Mars and Rahu will cross the same degree in Revati nakshatra on May 19 and 20, which can trigger both positive and negative effects, such as resources or money which was stuck for a long time can be released, however, some regular income can lose its path to their receivers.

With Rahu in Pisces bringing vivid dreams and imaginations, hallucinations and other psychic intensifying effects, retrograde Mercury causing imparted judgement and financial decision-making capability, Mars will cause some serious conflicts with others.

Burst of physical energy will bring the necessity for this energy to be directed to something constructive and positive, such as exercising and engaging in sports, especially team oriented, emphasizing the spirit of togetherness. Pisces (meena) and virgo (kanya) will fill this energy specifically more than other signs.

Self-control, mastery over thoughts, our deeds and overall, the way we conduct and carry ourselves will be crucial for individuals being born under this conjunction, which can cause sadistic thinking, directionless aggression, leading to irreparable damages.

Driving, interaction with law enforcement, road and fire accidents are circumstances in which we should be completely conscious and alert, and, overall, keep this state of mind whenever possible.

With Rahu causing blasts and Mars igniting fire, we could expect bomb blasts, public properties burnt, and police being attacked during this Mars Rahu conjunction 2024.

Family relations, extra-marital affairs, obscene sexual urges, broken love affairs are also entirely possible during this conjunction.

Intriguingly enough - many terrorists, anti-social activists, revolutionary leaders were born with this combination.

Apart from pisces and virgo, this combination will show its side effects on Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius too.

Aries (Mesha)could experience some financial losses, aimless wandering, debt pressure and insomnia.

Leo (Simha) faces threatening situations which invoke fear and anxiety.

Scorpio (Vrischik) have no control over their thoughts, which are mostly directionless. Also, their loved ones can cause disappointment.

Sagittarius (Dhanu) are forced to deal with tough situations at home. Their work and relations are also affected.

Aquarius (Kumbha) needs to control their tongue and wallet; else they end up in trouble.

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel, Sri Lanka, UK are badly affected by this conjunction.

As this conjunction happens close to Saturn and in a water sign, avoid water sports and adventures until end of May 2024.

Summer will be hottest in many places, but also there is some rain relief.

Satellite and mobile signals could be interrupted. Repairing or buying a cellphone or any other electronic equipment should be postponed.

Staying away from activities in the mountains, motorbikes or car races would be recommendable, and overall - speaking less than we know and spending less than we can afford is a motto to stand during this conjunction.

Angarak Yoga, or this particular conjunction could bring some of the specifically harsh effects to sings of Leo, Libra and Aquarius:


The formation of Angarak yoga may not be in favor of the Leo zodiac and because this transit is going to happen in the eighth house of the natal chart (birth chart), the natives may suffer from a hidden disease. There are also chances that the natives can get hurt or bruised. If any native is suffering from a heart disease, then they should be careful during this period. Apart from this, the natives should refrain from beginning something new because they may have to bear a loss and they should also avoid spending money unnecessarily as that can also create problems in their lives.


The Angarak yoga is going to form in the sixth house of the Libra zodiac which means that they may suffer from health issues as well. The natives concerned about heart diseases should be careful during this period. The business of the natives may get slow. Also, they may even lose a legal battle running in court and there are also chances that some hidden enemies may also try to trouble the natives.


For the Aquarius natives, the Angarak yoga may not be fruitful at all and because this yoga is being formed in your 12th house, the natives may have to suffer financial loss. They may even make unnecessary expenses. Also, the natives may happen to face a false accusation or lawsuit. There are chances of certain problems occurring at their workplace as well. As Mars is the ruling lord of their third house and the house of work, that’s why there might be a few disputes between the siblings.

Mars - Rahu Konjukcija u Ribama 2024

Počevši od 23. aprila 2024., desiće se konjunkcija Marsa i Rahua u Ribama (Mina Raši), formirajući Angaraka jogu. U ovoj konjunkciji na Mars će direktno uticati Rahu, uništavajući funkcionalne pokazatelje Marsa.

Tokom 39 dana Mars će boraviti u Ribama (do 1. juna), a pored ove konjunkcije sa Rahuom, Merkur će ostati (retrogradan i direktan) do 10. maja, a Venera do 24. aprila.

Imati različite planete u Ribama može izazvati pustoš; neophodno je odložiti sva važna planiranja, odluke, saradnje i događaje do kraja maja, osim u hitnim slučajevima.

Verovatno će se pojaviti različiti telesni osećaji i simptomi kao što su telesna toplota, nesanica, akne, čirevi, problemi sa varenjem.

Mars i Rahu će preći isti stepen u Revati nakšatri 19. i 20. maja, što može da izazove i pozitivne i negativne efekte povezane sa resursima ili novacem, koji su ostali zaglavljeno duži period, a posle dugo vremena mogu biti oslobođeni, međutim, neki redovni prihodi mogu izgubiti svoj uobičajeni put do njihovih primaoca.

Sa Rahuom u Ribama koji donosi živopisne snove i maštu, halucinacije i druge psihičke intenzivne efekte, uz retrogradni Merkur koji uzrokuje izmenjeno rasuđivanje i sposobnost finansijskog donošenja odluka, Mars će izazvati ozbiljne sukobe sa drugima.

Nalet fizičke energije će doneti potrebu da se ta energija usmeri na nešto konstruktivno i pozitivno, kao što je vežbanje i bavljenje sportom, posebno timski, naglašavajući duh zajedništva. Ribe (meena) i devica (kanja) će posebno biti ispunnjene ovom energijom.

Samokontrola, ovladavanje mislima, našim delima i uopšte, način na koji se ponašamo i nosimo biće od presudnog značaja za pojedince koji se rađaju pod ovom konjunkcijom, što može izazvati sadističko razmišljanje, opštu agresiju, što dovodi do nepopravljive štete.

Vožnja, interakcija sa organima sprovođenja zakona, saobraćajne nezgode i potencijalna opasnost povezana sa vatrom su okolnosti u kojima treba da budemo potpuno svesni i budni, i, generalno, da zadržimo ovo stanje uma kada god je to moguće.

Sa Rahuom koji izaziva eksplozije i Marsom koji može da zapali vatru, mogli bismo očekivati eksplozije bombi, spaljenu javnu imovinu i nasilne ispade organa reda tokom ove konjunkcije Marsa i Rahua 2024.

Porodični odnosi, vanbračne veze, nepristojni seksualni nagoni, prekinute ljubavne veze su takođe potpuno mogući tokom ovog perioda.

Više nego intrigantno - mnogi teroristi, antisocijalni aktivisti, revolucionarne vođe rođeni su sa ovom kombinacijom.

Pored Riba i Device, ova kombinacija će svoje neželjene efekte pokazati i na Ovnu, Lavu, Škorpiji, Strelcu i Vodoliji.

Ovan (Meša) bi mogao da doživi neke finansijske gubitke, besciljno lutanje, dužnički pritisak i nesanicu.

Lav (Simha) se može suočiti sa pretećim situacijama koje izazivaju strah i anksioznost.

Škorpija (Vrisčik) neće imati kontrolu nad svojim mislima, koje su uglavnom bez pravca. Takođe, njihovi voljeni mogu izazvati razočarenje.

Strelac (Dhanu), biće primorani da se nose sa teškim situacijama kod kuće. Njihov rad i odnosi će takođe biti pogođeni.

Vodolija (Kumbha) treba da kontroliše svoj jezik i novčanik kako ne bi završili u nevolji.

Avganistan, Pakistan, Izrael, Šri Lanka, Velika Britanija su teško pogođeni ovom konjunkcijom.

Pošto se ova konjunkcija dešava blizu Saturna iu vodenom znaku,dobro je izbegavati vodene sportove i avanture do kraja maja 2024.

Leto će na mnogim mestima biti najtoplije, sa malo padavina.

Satelitski i mobilni signali i veze mogu biti prekinuti. Popravku ili kupovinu mobilnog telefona ili bilo koje druge elektronske opreme treba odložiti.

Preporučljivo bi bilo kloniti se aktivnosti u planinama, motociklističkih ili automobilskih trka, i sveukupno - govoriti manje nego što znamo i trošiti manje nego što možemo da priuštimo je moto koji treba da bude izražen tokom ovoe konjukcije.

Angarak joga, ili ova posebna konjunkcija, mogla bi doneti neke od posebno oštrih efekata Lavu, Vagi i Vodoliji:


Formiranje Angarak joge možda ne ide u prilog zodijaku Lava u ovom periodu i pošto će se ovaj tranzit desiti u osmoj kući, moguće je da će pojedini Lavovi patiti od skrivenih bolesti. Takođe postoje šanse da se mogu povrediti ili dobiti modrice i rane. Oni pojedinci u ovom znaku koji pate od srčanih bolesti, trebalo bi da bude dodatno oprezni tokom ovog perioda. Osim toga, trebalo bi da se uzdrže od započinjanja nečeg novog jer će potencijalno morati da snose gubitak, a takođe treba da izbegavaju nepotrebno trošenje novca kako bi izbegli dodatne probleme.


Angarak joga će se formirati u šestom polju zodijaka Vage, što znači da i oni mogu patiti od zdravstvenih problema. Oni koji su zabrinuti zbog srčanih bolesti treba da budu oprezni tokom ovog perioda takođe, dok poslovanje može biti usporeno. Moguće je čak i da će izgubiti pravnu bitku, a postoje i šanse da neki skriveni neprijatelji pokušaju da ih uznemire.


Za Vodolije, Angarak joga možda uopšte neće plodonosna i pošto se ova joga formira u njihovom 12. polju, možda će morati da pretrpe finansijski gubitak ili dožive nepotrebne i neplranirane troškove. Lažne optužbe i tužbe su moguće kao i šanse da se određeni problemi pojave na radnom mestu. Pošto je Mars vladajući gospodar njihove treće kuće i kuće posla, može doći do sporova između braće i sestara.


Mercury Direct In Pisces 2024


Mars - Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius; Effects on Humanity