Sun (Surya) In Leo (Simha) Transit 2024

Sun will be transiting its own sign of Leo from August 16th - September 16th, 2024.

As the royal Sun (Surya) moves through Leo in this month long period, August 16, 2024, to September 16, 2024, it’s important to focus on self-mastery and self-appreciation rather than seeking external validation. The essence of Leo is not just about basking in the spotlight but also about recognizing and celebrating one’s own strengths and values.

Astrologically, Leo symbolizes joy, creativity, and generosity, royalness, authority. This sign is known for its vibrant and playful nature, thriving in environments where it is appreciated. The Sun, ruling over Leo, symbolizes vitality, life-force energy, and dignity. However, it can also highlight issues related to ego and selfishness.

During this transit, there’s typically an atmosphere of joy and generosity, with people becoming more tolerant and eager to enjoy life. It is also definitely essential to be mindful of potential ego inflation, as Leo naturally draws attention—whether positive or negative. The focus during this period often shifts toward being noticed and discussed.

This transit is a prime time to connect with your inner child and express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Gratitude becomes a key theme, and you can channel Leo’s creative energy into various forms of thankfulness. Additionally, this is an excellent period to hone your skills and pursue personal fulfillment, deriving satisfaction from doing something well without seeking external recognition or power.

In the following rows, we will briefly explore how the Sun’s transit through its own sign of Leo will impact each of the zodiac signs/ascendants/lagnas:

Aries (Mesh)

For Aries, this period is especially beneficial for students and those involved in exams, as success is likely in research and creative endeavors. If you’re applying for government positions, the Sun’s transit in Leo will work in your favor. However, you might find yourself less interested in romantic matters during this time.

Taurus (Vrishab)

Taurus, this Sun transit in Leo will bring several positive changes for you. However, it’s important to stay mindful of potential family tensions and avoid taking on unnecessary responsibilities. Be cautious while traveling to prevent theft. This is a favorable time for financial investments, especially in property. If you’ve been involved in legal battles over estates, they may finally be resolved in your favor.

Gemini (Mithun)

Gemini, the influence of the transiting Sun will bring significant achievements your way. Your energy and leadership skills will help you navigate challenging situations with ease. Quick decisions and work opportunities will be well-received. It’s advisable to avoid conflicts with older family members and younger siblings. You may also find yourself more drawn to religion and spirituality during this time.

Cancer (Karka)

Cancer, the Sun’s transit will bring a roller-coaster period with some unexpected outcomes. Be particularly cautious about your health, especially concerning your right eye, reactions to medication, and risks involving fire or poison. Financial stability is likely, and you might recover money that has been long pending. Disputes over paternal property may also be resolved. Keeping your strategies and plans confidential will be key to achieving your goals more effectively.

Leo (Simha)

Leo, with the Sun in your sign, your respect, position, and dignity are set to rise. You’ll receive support from government bodies and may achieve significant honors or awards. Pending work with central or state government departments will likely be completed successfully. This transit is also favorable for applying for new tenders. Students aiming to study abroad will benefit greatly during this time. Overall, this period is highly positive for Leo.

Virgo (Kanya)

Virgo, during this transit, the Sun’s effects will be relatively neutral. However, you might experience increased travel and expenses, potentially leading to financial strain. Traveling abroad may bring some benefits, and the transit will be favorable if you’re pursuing work or citizenship with foreign companies. Be cautious about your health, especially concerning your left eye.

Libra (Tula)

Libra, the Sun’s transit in Leo will bring success in various areas of your life. Your income sources are likely to increase, making it a favorable time to start a new business or sign significant contracts. Avoid conflicts with senior family members and older siblings. You will fulfill your responsibilities related to children, and newlyweds may find opportunities to expand their families. However, challenges in love marriages might arise.

Scorpio (Vrishchik)

Scorpio, this Sun transit will be highly beneficial for you. Government and official support will be in your favor. If you’re considering a political career, this is an opportune time to begin. Students and those taking competitive exams will benefit from increased success in research and creative projects. Additionally, any secret adversaries will be overcome during this period.

Sagittarius (Dhanu)

Sagittarius, the Sun’s transit will bring good fortune your way. Thoughtful strategies will prove effective, and your decisions and work will be appreciated. You may find yourself more interested in religion and spirituality. While there might be some delays in your work, don’t be discouraged—success is on the horizon. If you’re applying for jobs or visas with foreign companies, this transit will be particularly favorable for you.

Capricorn (Makar)

Capricorn, the Sun’s transit in Leo will bring a mix of ups and downs, along with unexpected outcomes. It’s important to be mindful of your health and cautious of potential hazards such as fire or adverse reactions to situations or medications. You may face challenges at work, including the risk of falling victim to a conspiracy. Disputes over ancestral property could also intensify. Despite these difficulties, your respect and status will increase, and you may even receive a social award.

Aquarius (Kumbh)

Aquarius, this transit will bring a mix of sweet and sour experiences. There may be delays in wedding-related matters, and some tension could arise in married life. It’s advisable to avoid starting joint business ventures during this time. However, if you’re considering applying for government tenders at the central or state level, this transit will be favorable for those endeavors.

Pisces (Meen)

Pisces, the Sun’s transit in Leo will be highly beneficial for you. This is an ideal time to start significant projects or sign new contracts, as the planetary alignment is favorable. You will successfully overcome any secret enemies during this period. However, be mindful of increased activities and expenditures, as they could lead to financial strain.


During this specific journey of the Sun, in a very favorable environment - through the sign of Leo, this period is important in order to let the fiery energies of this sign, together with the royal Sun, lead us to our personal fulfillment, to our purpose and our wholeness in the earthly plane of existence.

Tranzit Sunca (Surja) U Lavu (Simha) 2024

Dok kraljevsko Sunce (Surja) prolazi kroz svoj znak Lava (Simha) u ovom jednomesečnom periodu od 16. avgusta 2024. do 16. septembra 2024. godine, važno je fokusirati se na ovladavanje sobom i samopoštovanje umesto na traženje validacije spolja. Suština Lava nije samo u uživanju u centru pažnje, već i u prepoznavanju i slavljenju sopstvenih snaga i vrednosti.

Astrološki, Lav simbolizuje radost, kreativnost, velikodušnost, kraljevstvo i autoritet. Ovaj znak je poznat po svojoj živahnoj i razigranoj prirodi, cvetajući u okruženjima gde je cenjen i poštovan. Sunce, koje vlada Lavom, simbolizuje vitalnost, životnu energiju i dostojanstvo. Međutim, takođe može ukazati na probleme povezane sa egom i sebičnošću.

Tokom ovog tranzita, obično vlada atmosfera radosti i velikodušnosti, ljudi postaju tolerantniji i željniji da uživaju u miru i u životu. Takođe je veoma važno biti svestan mogućeg rasta ega, jer Lav prirodno privlači pažnju — bilo pozitivnu ili negativnu. Fokus tokom ovog perioda često se pomera ka tome da budete primećeni i da se o vama priča.

Ovaj tranzit je idealno vreme da se povežete sa svojim unutrašnjim detetom i izrazite zahvalnost za blagoslove u svom životu. Zahvalnost postaje ključna tema, i možete kanalizovati Lavovu kreativnu energiju u razne oblike zahvalnosti. Pored toga, ovo je odlično vreme da usavršite svoje veštine i tražite lično ispunjenje, pronalazeći zadovoljstvo u nečemu dobro obavljenom, bez traženja spoljnih priznanja ili moći.

U sledećim redovima, ukratko ćemo istražiti kako će tranzit Sunca kroz njegov sopstveni znak Lava uticati na svaki od horoskopskih znakova/ascendenata/lagni:

Ovan (Meša)

Ovaj period je posebno povoljan za studente i one koji polažu ispite, uče nove veštine, jer je uspeh verovatan u istraživačkim i kreativnim poduhvatima. Ako aplicirate za državne pozicije, tranzit Sunca u Lavu će raditi u vašu korist. Međutim, možda ćete se manje interesovati za romantične odnose tokom ovog vremena.

Bik (Vrišaba)

Bikovi, ovaj Sunčev tranzit kroz Lava doneće vam nekoliko pozitivnih promena; ipak, važno je biti svestan potencijalnih tenzija u porodici i izbegavati preuzimanje nepotrebnih odgovornosti. Budite oprezni prilikom putovanja i mogućih krađa, kako bi bile sprečene neželjene okolnosti. Ovo je povoljno vreme za finansijske investicije, posebno u nekretnine. Ako ste bili upleteni u pravne bitke oko imovine, one bi mogle biti rešene u vašu korist.

Blizanci (Mituna)

Uticaj ovog tranzita Sunca doneće vam značajna dostignuća. Vaša energija i liderske veštine će vam pomoći da sa lakoćom savladate izazovne situacije. Brze odluke i radne prilike će biti dobro prihvaćene. Savetuje se da izbegavate sukobe sa starijim članovima porodice i mlađom braćom i sestrama. Takođe, možda ćete se više zainteresovati za duhovnost tokom ovog perioda.

Rak (Karka)

Rakovi, Sunčev tranzit doneće vam period pun uspona i padova sa nekim neočekivanim ishodima. Posebno budite oprezni u vezi sa zdravljem, posebno što se tiče desnog oka, reakcija na lekove i rizika povezanih sa vatrom ili otrovima. Finansijska stabilnost je verovatna, i možda ćete povratiti novac koji dugo čekate. Sporovi oko očinske imovine takođe bi mogli biti rešeni. Držanje svojih strategija i planova u tajnosti biće ključno za postizanje ciljeva na efikasan način.

Lav (Simha)

Sa Suncem u vašem znaku, vaš ugled, pozicija i dostojanstvo će porasti. Dobićete podršku od vladinih tela i možda ćete dobiti značajne počasti ili nagrade. Nedovršeni poslovi sa centralnim ili državnim vladinim odeljenjima verovatno će biti uspešno završeni. Ovaj tranzit je takođe povoljan za apliciranje za nove tendere i slične aktivnosti. Studenti koji teže učenju u inostranstvu će značajno profitirati tokom ovog vremena. Sve u svemu, ovo je veoma pozitivan period za Lavove.

Devica (Kanja)

Za device, tokom ovog tranzita, efekti Sunca će biti relativno neutralni. Međutim, možete doživeti iznenadno putovanje i troškove, što bi moglo dovesti do finansijskog pritiska. Putovanja u inostranstvo mogu doneti neke koristi, a tranzit će biti povoljan ako težite poslu ili državljanstvu sa stranim kompanijama. Budite oprezni u vezi sa zdravljem, posebno što se tiče levog oka.

Vaga (Tula)

Vage, tranzit Sunca u Lavu doneće uspeh u raznim oblastima vašeg života. Vaši izvori prihoda verovatno će se povećati, što čini ovaj period povoljnim za pokretanje novog biznisa ili potpisivanje značajnih ugovora. Izbegavajte sukobe sa starijim članovima porodice i starijom braćom i sestrama. Ispunićete svoje odgovornosti prema deci, a mladi bračni parovi mogu pronaći prilike za proširenje porodice. Međutim, mogu se pojaviti izazovi u braku.

Škorpija (Vriščik)

Škorpije, ovaj Sunčev tranzit će biti veoma povoljan za vas. Državna i zvanična podrška će biti u vašu korist. Ako razmišljate o političkoj karijeri, ovo je pogodan trenutak za početak. Studenti i oni koji polažu ispite će imati koristi i povećan uspeh u istraživačkim i kreativnim projektima. Pored toga, svaka tajna neprijateljstva biće prevaziđena tokom ovog perioda.

Strelac (Dhanu)

Strelčevi, imaćete sreću u ovom perioud. Promišljene strategije će se pokazati efikasnim, a vaše odluke i rad će biti cenjeni. Možda ćete se više zainteresovati za religiju ili duhovnost. Iako može doći do kašnjenja u radu, ne treba da budete obeshrabreni—uspeh je na pomolu. Ako aplicirate za poslove ili vize sa stranim kompanijama, ovaj tranzit će biti posebno povoljan za vas.

Jarac (Makar)

Jarčevi, Sunčev tranzit kroz Lava doneće vam mešavinu uspona i padova, zajedno sa neočekivanim ishodima. Važno je da budete svesni svog zdravlja i oprezni prema potencijalnim opasnostima kao što su vatra ili nepovoljne reakcije na situacije ili lekove. Možete se suočiti sa izazovima na poslu, uključujući rizik da postanete žrtva zavere. Sporovi oko nasledne imovine mogli bi se takođe pojačati. Uprkos ovim teškoćama, vaš ugled i status će se povećati, i možda ćete čak dobiti društveno priznanje.

Vodolija (Kumba)

Vodolije, ovaj tranzit će doneti mešavinu povoljnih i nepovoljnih iskustava. Može doći do odlaganja u stvarima vezanim za venčanje i proslavu braka, i mogu se pojaviti tenzije u bračnom životu. Savetuje se da izbegavate pokretanje zajedničkih poslovnih poduhvata tokom ovog vremena. Međutim, ako razmišljate o apliciranju za državne tendere na centralnom ili državnom nivou, ovaj tranzit će biti povoljan za takve i slične poduhvate.

Ribe (Mina)

Ribe, Sunčev tranzit kroz Lava biće veoma povoljan za vas. Ovo je idealno vreme za pokretanje značajnih projekata ili potpisivanje novih ugovora, jer je planetarna postavka povoljna. Uspešno ćete prevazići sve tajne neprijatelje tokom ovog perioda. Međutim, budite svesni povećanih aktivnosti i troškova, jer bi to moglo dovesti do finansijskog pritiska.


Za vreme ovog specifičnog putovanja Sunca, u vrlo povoljnoj sredini - kroz znak Lava, ovaj period je važan kako bismo se prepustili vatrenim energijama ovog znaka, zajedno sa kraljevskim Suncem, da nas vode ka ličnom ispunjenju, naše svrhe i naše celovitosti u ovozemaljskoj ravni postojanja.


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